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Support people with cancer. Donate Now


As the largest voluntary health organization in the world, the American Cancer Society cannot continue its lifesaving and life changing work without the generosity of our donors.  We need leaders and supporters, like you, to boldly fund strategies that allow for innovative new programs and to continue to expand those that have been proven to save lives.  Your support is a powerful weapon in the fight against cancer. Thank you.

Contact the Philanthropy Team

Our staff can help you with any questions you may have about making a transformational gift to the American Cancer Society. Please email or call (312) 960-2300 to be referred to the appropriate staff member.

Donor Advised Funds

Help us save lives and celebrate lives by creating a philanthropic legacy through the American Cancer Society Donor Advised Fund (DAF). The American Cancer Society DAF allows you to combine the most favorable tax benefits with the flexibility to easily support the American Cancer Society or your favorite charities.

Gifts of Securities 

You could potentially create a larger gift than you ever thought possible by donating highly appreciated securities to the American Cancer Society. Stocks, bonds, or mutual funds that have increased in value – when donated to charity – can provide you with many tax benefits.

Planned Giving

With a planned gift to the American Cancer Society, you can combine your desire to give to charity with your overall financial, tax, and estate planning goals. Planned giving gives you a special connection to the American Cancer Society's mission. You will help those touched by cancer – now and for years to come.

Impact of Philanthropy

Support from donors like you has had a profound impact on the fight against cancer.
Here are just a few of the tangible ways we’ve made a difference together.


invested in research since 1946


patients served in the last decade


cancer survivors alive today


cancer screenings in underserved communities

Our Annual Report 

The American Cancer Society raises nearly all of our money through private individual donations, which helps to ensure our independence. We encourage people to look at how effectively we deliver on our mission, in addition to how efficiently we operate. We are deeply committed to reporting to our “shareholders” – the millions of people who support us each year.

Download Annual Report


Your research dollars are hard at work funding incredible science. Click here to listen as American Cancer Society scientists and grantees discuss the most critical questions in cancer research -- in language that we can all understand.   

Listen to the TheoryLab Podcast